Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mango Kerabu Salad & Sayur Lodeh

Last night, I attended a dinner at Singapura to celebrate my friend's birthday.  Although I was feeling congested throughout the night, I'm glad I went since I was able to catch up with everyone and meet my friend's little bundle of joy.  The icing on the cake was the chance to try out Singapura's vegetarian menu.
I started my meal with the Mango Kerabu salad, which has sliced mango, cucumbers, red onion, and a mix of green and red chillies.  I was happy to see that the dressing was clear-based since it allowed the salad to really show off its colorfulness.  I would recommend this dish to anyone looking for a salad that's light on calories, tart and tangy with a hint of spiciness, and easy on the eyes.
I poked around the Internet looking for more information on kerabu, and it looks as though there are many different types of this vegetable mix, similar to how there's so many different types of curry.  Most sites I did visit recommend using it as a topping (minus the lettuce) over rice, so I plan on trying this out in the future.
My main course of the night was Sayur Lodeh, which is Singapura's vegetarian take on Malay-style coconut curry.  The vegetables in this dish were cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, and carrots.  Its taste really differentiates itself from Thai and Indian curries I tasted in the past, but I can't quite put my finger on what's the x flavor factor.  However, don't think this is a mild tasting stew.  It lives up to its curry family name and is full of flavor thanks to tumeric and other spices.
There are other items on Singapura's vegetarian menu, but unfortunately, I don't have the stomach size to try them all in one night which is a perfectly legitimate reason to go back there in the near future.  

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