Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who is the Little Vegetarian?

To keep it simple like a Twitter post, I'm a 5' vegetarian living on the small Pacific island of Guam.  To be more precise, I'm a "seasoned" vegetarian, "rookie" juicer, and "total amateur" vegan.  I've started this blog since living on Guam as a vegetarian comes with its own set of obstacles and rewards.
I've always been a curious person by nature and am very fond of hearing why people do the things they do.  (I hope you are as well.)  A couple of years ago, I made the decision to be a vegetarian to help me improve my tennis game.  It definitely did make me feel lighter on the court, but it also made me feel physically and mentally better overall.  I don't play tennis any more, but I've happily decided to continue being a vegetarian.
In contrast, I've only been a juicer since Oct 11 of this year.  What this means is I make juices from recipes consisting of only fruits and vegetables.  These delicious and 100% healthy drinks have replaced my breakfast and majority of my dinners.  If I decide to eat dinner, I still drink a full 16 ounces of juice.  It may sound radical at first, but I do it to make sure my body gets its intended serving of fruits and vegetables.  Two films have inspired me to make this lifestyle change: Forks Over Knives and Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.  They were so inspiring that even my boyfriend, whose favorite food list included pork chops and fried chicken, decided to incorporate the same juicing lifestyle and boycott chicken, beef, and pork.
I'm in no way making an understatement when I say I'm a total amateur vegan.  It honestly makes me sad knowing that dairy products aren't good for me because I love them so much.  I'm still in the process of splitting up with cheese.  Thankfully, there are dairy-free alternatives available and I plan on trying them all.  Hopefully, I can break up with dairy for good.
So this blog is about all of the above.  I want to post recipes, restaurant reviews, and food product reviews.  I think this entry answered the question "Who is the Little Vegetarian?" and to end it, here's a photo of myself.  I feel its only appropriate I share a picture taken in my car since I'm starting a blog journey.


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