Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vegetarian Chicken Steaks

I can’t believe it’s already March!  The year is going by so quickly.  Sometimes I find myself on a Friday afternoon in disbelief that it’s already near the end of the week because I swore it was just Monday the day before.  In other parts of the world, it probably means the start of spring, but here on Guam, it doesn’t really mean a significant change in weather.  I’m pretty sure it’s just going to get hotter here. 
I mentioned before that I love to pack lunch.  I didn’t always have this opinion before though.  In fact, I used to always go out for lunch and wonder how in the world can other people just stay in and eat.  But that was when I didn’t cook at all.  Now that I’m cooking, I’m learning that staying in for lunch isn’t bad at all.  I’m sure everyone has heard the logic that cooking your own meals will save you money, and it’s definitely true for me.  It’s even more important now to save since gas prices are only getting higher.  As of today, premium gas is $5.79 per gallon.  Such a bummer.
One of my go-to meals to pack are foods made by Vegetarian Plus.  This time I tried their Vegetarian Chicken Steaks with black pepper sauce which I bought at Simply Food.  It was really easy to prep.  Although the package’s instructions say you can microwave it, I don’t recommend doing that.  Instead, follow the stovetop instructions.  There’s 4 steaks in a box so you can split them with someone else if you’re trying to pack a light lunch.  I think it only tasted OK and not fantastic or great, and it’s because the steaks came with so little sauce.  I would buy this again, but just not any time soon.             

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