Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vegetable Okonomiyaki (Japanese Vegetable Pizza)

To celebrate my mom's birthday, my family and I went to Benii Restaurant, which is a Japanese restaurant located at the Star Building across from St. John's School.  I go there often since I have a weakness for Japanese food and it's close to my work.  My normal order consists of edamame, a side salad, and miso soup, but since it was my mom's birthday, I ordered something different.  It took me awhile to decide what to get since they have many options to choose from, but I finally went with the Vegetable Okonomiyaki, which is the Japanese version of vegetable pizza.
If you've never tried okonomiyaki, it's a thick and delicious grilled pancake that can have pretty much anything mixed with its batter.  I'm not sure what vegetables are in Benii's version of okonomiyaki, but I think there's carrots, mushrooms and scallions.  They're pretty generous with the vegetable servings, but they were also very generous with the Japanese mayonnaise on top of the pizza.  So, although this dish is vegetarian, it's not vegan.  Benii served this dish on a hot plate and each bite of the pizza was nice and warm.  The slices were so thick and huge that I couldn't eat more than 2 slices!  I packed the rest of the pizza and had it for lunch the following day since I'm one of those people who don't mind eating left-overs.

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