Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two Ingredient Juice Recipe

Sometimes I feel dead-beat tired or just plain lazy after work, which I'm sure everyone feels every now and then.  On these days, I follow a quick juice recipe so I can maximize my relaxation time.  This recipe requires just two ingredients: watermelon and kale and it's enough for four 16 oz. servings.  It's a great fruit to juice since it's mostly made of water and there's not a lot of preparation involved.  The juice taste isn't as sweet as the other juice recipes I've posted so it's perfect if you're also looking for a juice mix that's somewhat mild.  I call this the two-ingredient juice recipe because you can substitute the watermelon for other fruits that are mostly made up of water: honeydew, cantaloupe, and even pineapple.  I've tried all of these fruits with kale and the juice always tastes like the fruit I used in the recipe.

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