Saturday, December 17, 2011

Baked and Breaded Vegetarian Chicken

As Christmas Day is fast approaching, I've been scrambling to get all my Christmas shopping and errands done.  This means quick meals are a must for me, especially during the weekend.  This morning, we decided to have an early lunch so my boyfriend and I can start crossing off our Christmas to-do list as soon as possible.

I thought it would be the perfect time to break out my can of Worthington's FriChik, which is a fried chicken substitute.  However, instead of frying it, I wanted to bake it.  I decided to bread it too just for kicks.  I found a really easy recipe online to follow for baked breaded chicken and since I was pressed for time, I thought I'd give it a try.  I breaded it with FryStar bread crumbs, which is a brand my sister-in-law always uses when she makes her breaded concoctions.  I'm pretty sure you can buy this at any grocery store that sells Asian products on Guam.
"These are easy to prep" is a complete understatement.  What I did was dip and coat each FriChik in Italian dressing and then covered it with bread crumbs.  I then baked them for 30 minutes on top of foil sprayed lightly with Pam.  As you can see, I only baked 5 pieces because that's all that came in the can I purchased.  This isn't enough for just my boyfriend and I, so I also baked some garlic bread, which I placed right next to the FriChik in the oven.
Our meal turned out just the right portion and taste - not too heavy but enough to last us a couple of hours until our next meal.  The baked and breaded FriChik came out juicy, but not as crunchy as I would have liked it to have been.  When I used to eat fried chicken, I ate it with ketchup, and I was happy to find that the FriChik also paired well with it.  Everything was devoured in 15 minutes tops, and then we were off to brave the crowds.  

Easy Baked Breaded FriChik
Serves 1
5 pieces Worthington FriChik
1 cup Italian salad dressing
1-1/2 cup bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Dredge FriChik pieces in salad dressing, then coat completely with bread crumbs.  Place coated FriChik in a light greased baking tray and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.  

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