Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vegetarian Italian Sausage and Tomato Pasta

I love cooking food that I can make in huge quantities because it'll last for a couple of days.  This really helps me on work days when I prefer to pack lunch instead of eating out.  This  past weekend, I was in the mood to make some sort of pasta.  The last time I made pasta was when I made Filipino spaghetti (which I didn't blog about because I somewhat overcooked the noodles...I swear I will get it right the next time and blog about it) so I wanted to make something different this time.  I was originally going to make a tomato and basil pasta but I found a recipe for Italian sausage and tomato pasta and I just couldn't resist.
I love Tofurky's Italian sausage with sun dried tomato and basil, which I purchased at Micronesia Mall Pay-Less Supermarket, and I thought it would be perfect in this recipe.  It's super flavorful and I think, by far, the best vegetarian Italian sausage available on Guam.  The sausages are about the same size as hot dog franks, but I didn't ground it up like the original recipe called for.  Instead, I just sliced them up which was much easier to do.  Prepping the pasta sauce was relatively easy since I used a can of already diced tomatoes instead of dicing the tomatoes myself.  Efficiency is the name of the game!
The original recipe called for 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, but I went with 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano and 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil.  To be honest, I really don't know the difference between the two.  I did a little research and it looks as though the two are interchangeable.  I did read some blogs on this topic and some say that basil is their herb of choice while others are Team Oregano.  I'm totally neutral between the two and my tastebuds aren't refined enough to tell the difference so I just went with half and half.
The pasta turned out super delicious.  The Parmesan cheese really helped balance out the strong flavor of the sausage and it helped make the pasta sauce thicker.  It makes me pretty happy to know that I don't have to suffer from bland food just because I'm vegetarian.  I can't wait to make other types of pastas!  If I can replicate Capricciosa's pastas then I would be one super happy vegetarian.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two Ingredient Juice Recipe

Sometimes I feel dead-beat tired or just plain lazy after work, which I'm sure everyone feels every now and then.  On these days, I follow a quick juice recipe so I can maximize my relaxation time.  This recipe requires just two ingredients: watermelon and kale and it's enough for four 16 oz. servings.  It's a great fruit to juice since it's mostly made of water and there's not a lot of preparation involved.  The juice taste isn't as sweet as the other juice recipes I've posted so it's perfect if you're also looking for a juice mix that's somewhat mild.  I call this the two-ingredient juice recipe because you can substitute the watermelon for other fruits that are mostly made up of water: honeydew, cantaloupe, and even pineapple.  I've tried all of these fruits with kale and the juice always tastes like the fruit I used in the recipe.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Burger King Veggie Burger

Yes, vegetarians can go with their friends to Burger King and not feel left out while everyone is eating Whoppers.  I wish other fast food restaurants can take a page out of Burger King's book and serve veggie burgers on their menu.  Burger King's Veggie Burger is a burger that has lettuce, tomatoes, onions, ketchup on top of a veggie patty.  The veggie patty is so juicy and reminds me of GardenBurger's veggie burger patties.  After doing a little research, I found that the patty is made out of soy, mushrooms, water chestnuts, onions, carrots, green and red bell peppers, and black olives. (Yuuuuum.)  It's also a burger that's about the same size as a Whopper so it fits in with the rest of BK's popular burgers.  The last thing I like about Burger King's Veggie Burger is the way they cook it.  Instead of cooking the veggie burger patty with the rest of the regular burger patties, BK actually cooks it separately by microwaving it.  I love having things my way.          

Pad Ki Mow and Red Curry

Before I start posting about where I tasted delicious Thai food, I would just like to apologize for the decrease in posts this month.  This month has been somewhat of a whirlwind for me and I really don't like to blog unless I'm  sure I have a couple of hours of uninterrupted quiet time.  By the looks of it, I'll be finding those hours in the early hours of the day.
Anyways, here I am and ready to blog.  The picture above is a Thai dish called pad ki mow and, according to the restaurant's menu, means "spicy noodle with basil."  The restaurant I'm referring to is Khaohom Thai and it's a pretty new place that opened just last year.  They're located on Marine Corps Drive in Hagatna across Alupang Beach Tower.  It's a hard place to miss since its building is painted mustard yellow (one of my favorite colors) with a red roof.  What I love about Thai food is the fact that it's definitely vegetarian-friendly.  All the Thai restaurants I've been to on Guam have vegetarian versions of most of their dishes.  Perfect for someone like me since I get tired of salads every now and then.  Khaohom Thai's pad ki mow was tasty with not too much spice in it and saucy without being oily.  The vegetables in it were broccoli, carrots, and lettuce and none were overcooked.
It's hard to go to a Thai restaurant and not order some form of curry.  This day, I decided to have their red curry with just vegetables.  I like my curry spicy and so this one was pretty hot.  There wasn't much variety in the vegetables but there definitely was a generous serving of it.  There were bamboo shoots, broccoli, lettuce, and bell peppers.  I was happy to find the curry wasn't oily at all either.  I drowned my bowl of rice with soup and ate every single grain.
Serving sizes for both dishes were large enough so that 2 people can split them.  Both dishes are available at any Thai restaurant on Guam, but I think Khaohom Thai's version are the least oiliest.          

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

I can relate to Cookie Monster and his extreme love for cookies.  I love all kinds of cookies, but I have to say my favorite is the classic chocolate chip cookie.  When I was little, I made sure my mom always stocked our house with Chips Ahoy. When Chips Ahoy introduced their Chewy version and I followed its microwave suggestion, I marked the day I bit into that warm, chewy cookie as a milestone in my life.
I wanted to share my love of chocolate chip cookies with my friends this past Christmas, so I baked vegan chocolate chip cookies and gave them as Christmas gifts.  They're pretty easy to make.  The hardest part of the whole process was waiting for the cookies to be ready to taste.  Three items that are critical for this vegan recipe are Earth Balance Natural Butter SpreadEner-G Egg Replacer, and Sunspire Vegan Carob Chips.  All work great as substitutes so there's no need to worry about sacrificing taste.  Carob chips serve as chocolate chip substitutes and are made from the Carob tree.  It's not too sweet and can actually act as a dark chocolate substitute.  I purchased all of them at Simply Food

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Vegan Kung Pao Chicken

For the past 5 months, I've been packing lunch for my boyfriend and I on a regular basis instead of eating out at restaurants during lunch breaks.  Doing this has helped us save money and at the same time, gave us peace of mind that what we're actually eating is vegetarian.  One issue that I did encounter with packing lunch is finding the time to cook.  Cooking in the morning is definitely out of the question because I'm, unfortunately, not an early bird.  My body is stubborn and refuses to wake up earlier than 7am.  One of my New Year's resolutions was to train my body to wake up at 6am but so far, I've made zero progress.  But I digress, and what I actually wanted to point out was that I found vegan food that tastes good and is so easy to prepare.  I've blogged about Vegetarian Plus' products, which I've always been able to find at Simply Food, in previous posts, and this is another one that I have to give a thumbs up to.  This is Vegetarian Plus Vegan Kung Pao Chicken and it's a pretty saucy and spicy dish.  I really like the heat from this dish, but I think the next time I cook it, I have to add some bell peppers and water chestnuts just to make it more authentic.  However, if you're pressed for time like I normally am, just opening the box and warming it up on the stove without additional ingredients will suffice.     

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Garlic Sautéed Spinach

I've been on a roll lately with easy to make recipes and this one is no exception.  I guess I've been in somewhat of a "lazy" mode and this dish matched my level of productivity.  Luckily, it tasted good even though there wasn't much need of an effort on preparation.  What I discovered was that adding a little vegan butter and a squeeze of lemon at the end made all the difference to the dish.  (Thank you Barefoot Contessa!)  Now I don't need to go to a Chinese restaurant to get garlic sautéed vegetables.